Alex W Fraser, 420 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 2X2 Canada
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Alex Fraser
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1810 - 1967
Map showing location of the MacIntosh Cemetery. |
This cemetery is located Just a few hundred feet north of the east end of the Lochinvar road, Concession 9 Lochiel, where it meets the road coming up from the 8th concession around the curve in the road that leads to the 7 Hills Road a few miles further north. From the gate on the west side of the road, the entrance is about 75 feet in off the road. The Cemetery is enclosed on 2 sides on the north & west by cedar trees. The cemetery is in size 8 yds X 14 yds. This cemetery is situated on the south end of Lot 14 in the 9th concesison of Lochiel. see map. [updated Sep 2, 1992 from 1st copied 1983. awf]
- Entered into Rest
Annie McIntosh wife of Alex'r McCrimmon died May 7, 1881 aged 34 y'rs.
"A faithful friend, A wife so dear
A tender Mother Lieth here
Great is the loss We here sustain
But hope in heaven to meet again".
John Everett // 1875 - 1948 // Douglas Clyde // 1877 - 1948 // Donald Howard // 1880 - 1921 // Anna Bertha // 1883 - 1959 // Nellie Louisa // 1890 - 1959 // Family of P. & E. McIntosh.
- Peter McIntosh // died Feb. 1, 1910 // aged 74 years.// His wife Elizabeth // Charlotte Everett
died Mar, 29,1901// aged 58 years
- [this stone is broken in 4 pieces and very badly deteriated, especially the middle to pieces laying on the ground behind the part of the stone standing --Sep 2.92 awf ]
In Loving // remembrance of // Catherine McIntosh // wife of Tho's T. // Ferguson // born June 8 // 1839 died March 2, // 1892.
"A precious one from us has gone,
A wife we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled
the loan his love has given
And though the body slumbers now
The soul is safe in heaven."
James McIntosh Mar, // 10, 1802 - Nov. 12, 1889. // his wife Beatrice Fraser // Jan. 17, 1810, - Mar. 5, 1894. // Natives of Perthshire Scotland // who died at Vankleek Hill.
- Erected // to // the memory // of Margaret Infant daug // hter of Alex'r McIntosh & Rebekah Arnet // his spouse, who departed // this life // on the 7th of Feb. 1840 // aged 5 months and 9 days. //
Also // Alexander their son who departed this // life on the 24 of August 1844 // aged 3 years 7 months & 20 days.
" These plants are only withered here.
To spring up stately trees;
Before the throne of him who said,
Let children come to me.
- Erected // to // the memory of // Catherine Cameron // wife of John McIntosh // who departed this // life 27th May 1823 // aged 27 years.
- In memory of P't. // McI'h // born Aug 17 1840 // aged 11 days.
In the above, // indicates line breaks on the gravestone listed.
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From the Files of Alex Fraser
Page Created June 10.01
July 05