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Title Glengarry Prescott Stormont Soulanges Vaudreuil County Family Genealogy BMD
Web site: http://www.glengarrycounty.com/index.html
Description; This is the Glengarry County, Prescott Stormont Soulanges Vaudreuil County site active since 1999 which offers in book, pdf, CD form over 25,000 plus pages on gravestones inscriptions, church records, name indeces, family histories, additional sources etc. Operated by Alex W Fraser, And Rhoda Ross 1971 - 2013.

Main Link page http://www.glengarrycounty.com/genlinks.html

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Any Comments, Contact Alex

    A - D

  1. Title: Acadian Genealogy Homepage
    URL: http://www.acadian.org/
    The FIRST (1991) and still the BEST Acadian-Cajun resource site on the internet, providing visitors information of available "specific family" genealogy CD-ROMs, a graphic image of your own Family Crest and tons of Acadian-Cajun historical text information.
    Link Page; http://www.acadian.org/linkmachine/links/links_other_resources__genealogy-related.html

  2. Alex's Amazon.ca book Store

  3. Argenteuil GenWeb see under Lake of Two Mountains Quebec, Canada--the Laurentians, below

  4. Argenteuil Historical Society/Société généalogique d'Argenteuil
    P.O. Box 5, 378, rue Principale Lachute, Quebec J8H 3X2,
    E mail lusk@aiservice.com

  5. Book Publishers Sundial Publishing
    We at the Sundialpublishing.com are a family that has dedicated over the years to the book publishing industry. We have many collaborators and have published many relevant authors, connecting many points of view, and giving the people the necessary resources to expand their ideas through books, motivating the constructive dialog between individuals through the written word.
    Web site http://www.sundialpublishing.com New 3/11

  6. Book Publishers book marketing plan
    Does Your Book Have What It Takes to Be a Publishing Success?
    Ninety-nine percent of authors make the same critical mistake: they publish their books without first learning the answers to the two critical questions that determine their books' success. What is the market for my book? How will my market respond to my book once it's published? New 3/11

  7. Canada Genweb
    URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~canwgw/
    The Canada GenWeb Project is based on the USGenWeb Project, the purpose of The GenWeb Projects is to create a global library for genealogy research on the Web. Canada researchers are very fortunate in that there is already an enormous amount of Canadian information available on the Internet. The role of the Canada GenWeb Project is to assist researchers in locating this information, as well as to add to the existing online data.

  8. Carleton County GenWeb -
    URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~oncarlet/index.html
    for the purposes of this web site - is actually all of the old Carleton County plus Cumberland Township, formerly part of Russell County. From 1969 to 2000, this combined region was called the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. On 1 January 2001, Ottawa-Carleton became the City of Ottawa.

  9. Chesterville & District Historical Society
    P.O. Box 693, 14 Victoria Street, Chesterville, Ontario K0C 1H0
    URL: http://www.northdundas.com/tourism/HeritageCentre.htm
    We are a group of residents of the Chesterville and District area who are interested in helping to preserve and interpret local history. The Chesterville and District Historical Society was founded in 1984 with the help of the Rotary Club of Chesterville. We are affiliated with the Ontario Historical Society and share many of its goals,

  10. Clans & Tartan Societies


    E mail info@cornwalltwphistorical.ca Don McIntosh - 613-534-2075 or Dale Duncan 613-938-1549

  12. Cornwall (LACAC) -- see under Heritage Cornwall below

  13. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites
 on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
  14. Dundas County GenWeb
    URL: https://members.tripod.com/~Dundas_gen/index.htm
    Covering the township of Mountain, Matilda, Winchester and Willismsburg

    E - H

  15. Effective Fuel Efficiency Plus Products
    Web site; http://www.increasefuelefficiency.com/
    New Revolutionary Next Generation Lubrication Technology. The Excellent Bi-tron Products allows fuel efficiencyto be maximized. With improved gas mileage you reduces costs, visits to the gas pumps.

    The Bi-tron transmission additive metal treatment brings better, smoother shifting. The fuel conditioner metal treatment burns the fuel more completely allowing for increased gas mileage, much lower harmful emission, protecting the environment.

    The Bi-tron car lubricants, are a petroleum based metal treatment which are " Consistently Engineered To OutPerform ". for your benefit engine formulation. fuel conditioner with the powertrain and gear formulation plus the superb penetrating lubricant and Lithum grease complex for smooth operation of metal mechanism, gets you better gas mileage, better fuel mileage, more power, easier starting, a well tuned engine.

    Thus with the proper application of these Bi-tron Products, auto gas mileage, transmission fluid, fuel mileage gets extendes life, maintenance, repair, fuel costs decrease with a smoother transfer of energy through the system.

    You keep your money in your pocket longer from a product that continuously pays for itself, thus you get the reward

    Choose to Implement the Bi-tron Effective Fuel Efficiency Plus Solution! You Can Initiate A Positive Change, You can Get A Beneficial Return Over And Over Again, like I have done since November 1998.
    You can choose to enlighten, educate yourself in this direction, for this beneficial results, repeat returns.

    go to Bi-tron The Natureline videos,

  16. Favourite Links Naturefx, Natureworks, Fix Tea, Bitron

  17. Glengarry Archives Site
    at the Sir John Johnson Manor House in Williamstown, Ontario.
    For Further information please call 1-613-347-2356
    or email sirjohnjohnson@sympatico.ca or contact Curator or Penny Cavell

  18. Glengarry County GenWeb
    URL: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~onglenga/
    A collection of genealogical information and resources for Glengarry County, Ontario. Glengarry County GenWeb is part of the Ontario GenWeb and Canada GenWeb Projects.

  19. Glengarry Historical Society
    P.O. Box 416, Alexandria, Ontario K0C 1A0, 1-613-525-1340
    E mail address glenhist@glen-net.ca

  20. Glengarry pioneer Museum,
    1645 County Road 30, Dunvegan, Ontario K0C 1J0 Tel# 613-527-5230
    E mail address info@glengarrypioneermuseum.ca

  21. Nor'Westers and Loyalist Museum

  22. The Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame
    URL: http://www.glengarrysports.com/
    The Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame is an organization that was founded in 1978 to celebrate and preserve the achievements of Glengarry County's athletes. Loyalists and Scottish immigrants settled in Glengarry in the late eighteenth century.

  23. Heritage Cornwall (LACAC)
    URL: http://www.cornwall-lacac.on.ca/index.htm
    Heritage Cornwall (LACAC) is dedicated to helping to preserve heritage values in Cornwall If you have information pertaining to heritage, please contact us through this website.

  24. Hudson Historical Society
    c/o Rod Hodgson, President, HUDSON, Quebec, JOP 1H0,
    e mail address rhodgson@securenet.net

  25. Huntingdon County GenWeb
    URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~qchuntin/Default.htm
    A collection of genealogical information on the former county of Huntingdon, Quebec. Huntingdon County GenWeb is part of the Quebec and Canadian GenWebs.

    I - L

  26. iWEBTOOL Top Sites
    Free webmaster resources including SEO Tools, Computer Glossary and Webmaster forum.

  27. Lake of Two Mountains Quebec, Canada--the Laurentians--Argenteuil , Deux-Montagnes, Labelle, Terrebonne
    URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~qclauren/anglais/raccourcis.htm

  28. Link-O-Mania
    Web site; http://link-o-mania.com/main/
    This website is designed as a quick easy reference for researching your family history on the internet. The links included are considered the best we have found in their respective categories.

    M - P

  29. Title: Mayrand Family Association: Genealogy Articles and Databases
    URL: http://www.mayrand.org/
    This site has a description of the meani! ngs and brief history of names around the world, with focus on Mayrand family. It chronicles more than 11,000 families from 1102 through hundreds of years in North America.
    Link page http://www.mayrand.org/links/links_canadian__genealogy-related_.html -- Added 11/27/06

  30. Prescott County GenWeb
    Web site; http://www.rootsweb.com/~onpresco/index.htm
    A collection of genealogical information and resources for Prescott County, Ontario. Prescott County GenWeb is part of the Ontario GenWeb and Canada GenWeb Project, which are all volunteer based efforts to provide free genealogical information on the Internet.

  31. Public Record Center
    Web site URL:http://www.publicrecordcenter.com/
    Conduct Free public record searches: Search Billions of records through tens of thousands of government and public links. Our links are updated hourly by our staff of professional public record researchers saving visitors to our site time and frustration of broken links. Easy to use self explanatory site will link you directly to the public record you are seeking Nationwide or by State.
    Contact Us PublicRecordCenter Q - T

  32. Scrapbook Art, Digital
    Web site; http://digital-scrapbook-art.com/index.html
    is a friendly community which welcome all scrappers from around the word. We provide great backgrounds, unique emblishments, alphas, wordarts, kits, templates and all what you need for hold your memories in perfect Layouts.

  33. Soulanges-Vaudreuil GenWeb!
    Web site; http://www.rootsweb.com/~qcvaudre/frame_e.htm
    The present GenWeb site contains a collection of genealogical information on the Quebec Vaudreuil-Soulanges county. Member of the Quebec GenWeb and the Canada GenWeb.

  34. Stormont County GenWeb
    Web site; http://www.rootsweb.com/~onstormo/
    A collection of genealogical information and resources for Stormont County, Ontario, and part of the Ontario GenWeb and Canada GenWeb projects.

    U - X

  35. Vaudreuil-Soulanges GenWeb!
    Web site; http://www.rootsweb.com/~qcvaudre/frame_e.htm
    The present GenWeb site contains a collection of genealogical information on the Quebec Vaudreuil-Soulanges county. Member of the Quebec GenWeb and the Canada GenWeb.

  36. WiredBiz.com
    Web site URL:http://www.wiredbiz.com/
    Web site Description;
    About WiredBiz.com
    The Worlds Largest Network Marketing Resource
    The Internet has it all...
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    We are the dictionary of Network Marketing and the encyclopedia of whose who, and what's what in this business. You will find it here, if it is relevant and it has to do with the industry of Network Marketing or MLM. It is our goal to make WiredBiz.com your go to site for everything Network Marketing.
    We will organize and sort it all out for you, creating for you more Time-Freedom our Free regular newsletter which will update you of important changes and keep you abreast of the latest tools, techniques and strategies from the top trainers and the leaders in this industry.
    You can spend your valuable time growing your income and enjoying life, not searching the net. We will help you make more money and save you more time. We will make it easy for you to find what you are looking for...from free training, to new companies, from the legal to the regal.
    You can use WiredBiz.com to grow the traffic to your website by joining our Free Links.
    Or you can advertise your business site in our exclusive classified section which allows only one site of your company in a given area...don't wait, be the only one in your area.
    Contact WiredBiz Media Inc.

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Page created 5/14/06
Updated 6/12

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